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The Big 3: The Astrological Secret Sauce to Better Business

When we ask each other about our Zodiac signs, the answer we typically give is actually only one piece of your entire astrological pie. The signs we are usually talking about are our Sun signs. But there is a whole slew of other astrological placements that have a major influence on your life.

Of all placements in your birth chart, there are 3 major ones that have the biggest impact on what makes you, you. Your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs (also known as ‘The Big 3’) are the key to understanding what the stars had in store when our energy came to Earth. The energies from these placements are your personal building blocks. Understanding them and using them to your advantage can bring you the edge you need to build your empire.    

So, what do the Big 3 have to show you?

Sun Signs

Sun signs are mapped by whichever constellation the sun is “in” when you are born. Sun signs change approximately every 30 days and are the sign people usually refer to as their Zodiac.

In short, your Sun sign is your identity. It is the energetic vibration through which you exist and the force that drives you. The Sun sign is a helpful indicator for how you might enjoy spending your time, how you recharge your energy, and how you show up in this life. It is the piece of you the spends the most time in the forefront, basking in the sunshine of existence for all the world to see.

Our Sun signs offer insight into the particular way our power arrives for us. For example, those with a Sun sign in Leo are natural-born leaders. On the other hand, native Pisceans are driven by their dreams and fantasies. Leos will do well as front runners of any business, while Pisces will likely excel in more creative feats.

Moon Signs

Moon signs are determined by the placement of the moon at the time of birth. They change about every 2 and a half days.

Moon signs are a glimpse into your inner world. They capture how you feel under the surface and influence how you process your emotions. They also work with (or against) your Sun sign to shape your psyche and overall personality. If you have conflicting Sun and Moon signs, you might feel at odds with yourself, as the Sun sign will manifest in your outer world and the Moon governs your inner world.

Moon signs are the piece of us that comes alive when we are alone, quiet with our thoughts, and processing emotions. They are below the surface and shape our emotional depth. If you have a Moon sign in Scorpio, you may tend to experience drastic mood swings. Or, if you have a Moon in Cancer, it is likely you love being at home and relish spending time with family. For Scorpio Moon signs, you might consider a mindfulness practice to keep you levelheaded through the workday. Meanwhile, Cancer Moons might opt for remote work so you can spend most of your time with the people you love.

Rising Signs

Risings signs (or your Ascendent) are the Zodiac sign of your 1st House in your birth chart. In simpler terms, your Rising sign is determined by whichever constellation was on the Eastern horizon at your time of birth. It is important to know your exact time of birth, as Rising signs change every 2 hours.

Consider your Ascendant sign like the front door of your home – it is the first impression you leave on the world, how people see you, and your social personality. It is also representative of your physical body, and outward appearance (including style preferences!). Rising signs are the piece of you that greets the world, and who you are when you show up.

Rising signs are the key to understanding how and why people are drawn to you. If you have a Rising sign in Libra, for example, it is likely you are physically attractive and naturally charismatic. If your Rising sign is in Taurus, it could be that others enjoy your company because of how easy-going and laid-back you are. Libra Moons will do well in any venture that allows them to work their likability, while Taurus Moons will excel at making others feel warm and comfortable right from the jump.

The Big 3 in Business

Astrology is like the weather forecast. You can’t change the rain, thunder, and lightening just like you can’t go back in time and hand-pick your astrological placements. But like any storm, if you come equipped with an umbrella and plan you day accordingly, you can make it out the other side unscathed. You Big 3 work the same way. We have the gift of controlling the ways in which this energy has influence over us. And you can absolutely use that to your advantage.

When you have a grasp on how your Big 3 interact with one another, you are likely to have a tighter grip on your strengths. As a business owner, it is so important that you are able to identify what your energy has to offer others. Your power is the secret sauce that sets you apart from everyone else. The Big 3 are an astrological roadmap to your own vitality and vigor.

With our Big 3, we can understand what motivates us and what gives us reason to take pause. We might begin to understand why we attract certain clients and how we might invite in a new or different market. When you take the time to master the meaning of your Big 3 and live in alignment with them, your whole life starts to shift. Suddenly things start making sense for you in ways they hadn’t before. This happens when we work with the energy of the Universe: things just fall into place.

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