crystals on wooden table

How Crystals Catalyzed My Spiritual Journey

I’ve been attracted to crystals since I was a little girl. They fascinated me, not only because of their obvious beauty, but because of how they made me feel.

I had a sacred little collection of them, tucked away in my special box hidden under my bed.

I had no idea they meant anything to anyone else until my mid 20s. In fact, I had forgotten all about them for a few years when I left home and went off to university. I was young, busy, partying, studying full time, and working 3 part-time jobs. My spiritual life was an afterthought, but I still enjoyed indulging in the occasional tarot reading.

But I never lost touch with my inner-self. She was very present. So were my Spirit Guides, I just didn’t realize it at the time. But I felt them. Always.

It wasn’t until my mid 20s when I desperately and suddenly began craving something more. One day, I found myself in a little, mystical crystal shop after a difficult time in my life.

And there they were. Those gorgeous, multi-colored little chunks of Earth, calling to me. I picked one up and felt its power. Suddenly, I had remembered what I had thought I’d forgotten. About life, meaning, connection, The Universe. I felt it all. Its as if the knowledge I needed was held inside these gems.

After that, the Journey began. It was slow at first, and I didn’t even realize what was happening to me, but I felt a shift. As time went on, my soul got louder to the point I couldn’t ignore it. On top of that, The Universe continued to throw signs at me left and right, until I could no longer deny them. I knew what I had to do…
It was time to do the unexpected, even though I’ve known about it all along.

I made a plan, bought a one-way ticket to travel the world, and announced to my friends and family that I was going to travel solo on a journey to find something inside myself that I couldn’t explain. I sold all of my belongings and in a few short months, the time had come.

This was only the beginning, but I knew that crystal shop had changed something in me and reminded me to listen to the voice inside–the voice of my soul.

Fast forward to years later, to today. I’ve recently received a similar sudden and powerful urge to do something more with crystals, which is why I’m excited to announce…I’ve opened a new online crystal shop called The Soul-Aligned Business Boutique!

I’ve opened a new online crystal shop called The Soul-Aligned Business Boutique!

You can shop directly on my website where I’ve put together some specific crystal kits for business owners and coaches to help you stay connected with your inner being and leverage your own powers while working with others.

Click here to explore the shop!

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I'm Nikki

I’m a brand strategist, marketing advisor and business consultant for brands and individuals who want to grow profitable, purposeful businesses with soul. I don’t do cookie-cutter, and neither do your people, so let’s refine your brand message and market you authentically to your most aligned audience.


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