Crystals, Spirituality, and Coming Back to My 8 Year-Old Self

It’s still so hard to talk about…

I know I’m always telling everyone “be your amazing self, share your gifts with the world”, but I am FULLY aware that it’s easier said than done when you’ve conditioned yourself into hiding certain parts of you.

I have been on my spiritual journey (consciously) since 2014. I started seeking guidance and learned some new things in 2015, began leaning into it even more in 2016, and in 2017-2018 got deep down the ? ? and had an intense spiritual awakening in the process. I will save the details of that story for another time, but I will say the journey is never over. It ebbs and flows, and has seasons, just like nature.

Crystals have fascinated me since I was a kid. I remember collecting them before I even know what they did, I just knew that I LOVED them. I cherished them and kept them in special velvet-lined hand-carved wooden box that my Grandmother gave me. I had no idea they each held a special energy, had different properties, and could be used for healing, energy amplification, or absorption. All I knew what that it felt 100% natural and right for me to have them. It’s crazy how our souls know things and when we’re kids, we are so open and receptive, but as we get older, we begin to think more like the societal collective. Our frequency changes and it becomes harder to tune back into the radio station with the clear signal to our inner self. We stop trying. We get distracted, and we start caring about things we once thought were ridiculous and forget what makes us feel good like when we were kids. Money, cars, houses, jobs. “Adulting”.

For me, being in nature hits the pause button on all of that. Crystals bring me back to the present moment and the Universe gives me a little nudge as I remember 8 year old Nikki. How she loved climbing trees, journaling, interacting with animals, daydreaming on how to save the world (seriously, I was the “weird” kid in class that wrote to Santa asking him to feed all the hungry kids in the world).
We go through all these years, just to realize that the important things are what we started with, and then it comes full circle. The faster you can realise that, the faster you can experience happiness.

But no matter how much I know this, I’ve never wanted to leverage my spirituality in my business because it was always just “for me”. My practice. My inner world. I think that’s why my old brand felt so off. There was no depth to it. No soul. I was leaving that piece out of it, but that’s exactly the piece I needed….because that piece is ME.

I still find it so hard to talk about all this stuff publicly in a time where “spirituality” has become mainstream, and talking about manifestation has become trendy. On one hand, I am so glad it is because I believe so many people NEED to know how powerful they are and need to find their way back to their true selves, but on the other hand, I selfishly want to keep all this to myself, tucked away in a velvet-lined hand-carved wooden box where my special things go.

So, remember as I tell you to share your special gifts with the world, I am also sitting over here, doing the same, no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. I am also soaking up the joy and revelling in the alignment of how it feels to be unapologetically myself. I am walking my talk, and deeply believe that we all need to show our true selves to the world–even when it’s hard– in order to connect, share our gifts, and do the things we came to this Earth to do.

Thank you for witnessing my journey unfold. I encourage you to allow yours to do the same, and embrace it.

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I'm Nikki

I’m a brand strategist, marketing advisor and business consultant for brands and individuals who want to grow profitable, purposeful businesses with soul. I don’t do cookie-cutter, and neither do your people, so let’s refine your brand message and market you authentically to your most aligned audience.


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